Happy Accidental Encounters

May 04, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Sometimes you never know where you will end up!  After submitting some photographs to the Susquehanna Shutterbugs Juried Show in Williamport, PA, we figured we would "take in the town!!" Previously loading our GPS hand-held device with area geocaching we viewed some points of interest.  One of them being this fabulous mural, surely a must see and something anyone would want (and should) photograph.  (If wanting to see the entire mural without distraction from parked cars, you probably have to be there by 6am!) Turned on the car mounted GPS (technology's great, yes!) to locate the closest place to dine and move on, or at least that was the plan!  

So travelling down 4th Street in downtown Williamsport, which is a one way street,  passing places left and right.  Some closed, some not.  Bullfrog Brewery was mentioned at some point here we ran smack into it!!  Low and behold the mural exists right here realizing this as we turned into the parking lot.  Simply incredible and absolutely stunning!!  Even more incredible is the artist is working on it right when we pull up!! When does that ever happen?!  I asked he and his partner if I could take some pictures while he was working to which he responded "Not at all, please do!"  His name is Michael Pilato whom I have honestly never heard of but knew of his work only recently because of the high publicized Penn State mural and changes it had undertaken.  I will leave it at that.  Michael directed my attention to the musicians created on the mural, indicating the drummer was Steve Mitchell who was likeness was molded to the loveable character of "Animal" of the Muppets!  Pennsylvania's best kept secret!  Maybe I shouldn't have said that!  The Bullfrog Brewery hosts a Jazz Workshop Brunch  with Burgess, Mitchell, and Seal as well as a revolving door of area and passing through town musicians for fantastic free lunchtime show!  All very welcoming, pub and musicians,  I was allowed to photograph the musical story unfolding before me!!  Please check out the rest of the images under Portfolio, Bullfrog Brewery , "Like" and feel free to comment and/or share similar stories!!  Oh yeah, It was a darn good cheeseburger too!


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